What's Your Port Orange Neighborhood walk score? Find out here!

If you are ready to buy a Port Orange home or rent a home you may be interested in knowing your neighborhood walk score which is the score of availablbilty to Port Orange schools, Port Orange Library, local hospitals, stores, restaurants, child care availabilty and transportation information.

The walk score measures the walkability to addressed or areas mentioned above.

Remember the walk score is just a small part of the local community's information.

Port Orange Library

Here is a sample walk score for a 3 bedroom 2 bath Port Orange home located at 768 Crosswind Way in the Ashton Lake Community.
768 Crosswind Way Port Orange

If you are interested in this Property (MLS® #549363) or any other Port Orange home for sale we will be happy to send you more information regarding 768 Crosswind Way, Port Orange, FL, 32128.

Call or text Mike Gagliardi 386-316-5967 or Marty Gagliardi 386-316-5968 for quick answers and/or quick showings.

Posted by Mike Gagliardi on


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