News FEMA Flood Maps In 2013 affects Daytona Beach and Port Orange Homeowners.

New FEMA FLOOD MAPS could affect residents and business owners in Volusia County.

The changes in the new flood maps issued by FEMA affects the amount you pay to you insurance company for flood insurance.

Sometimes the new flood maps can result in a lower premium!

If a map changes from low or moderate flood zones ( Zones B, C, or X) to a high flood risk zone ( A, AE, AR, A99, AH or AO) then flood insurance is federally mandatory for most homewowners who are mortgage holders.

The National Flood Insurance Program is offering some relief to those homeowners who are required to purchase flood insurance and who are changing from a high risk area from a moderate to low risk area. Those properties that were mapped on or after October 1, 2008 may be eligible for the lower cost Preferred Rate Policy.

Grandfathering can also offer savings .

Flood insurance is optional but recommended when changing from high flood zones to low or moderate flood zones. Existing policies can be converted to lower cost policies if the property qualifies.

Residents of Port Orange FL can contact the Port Orange Engineering Dept. for a flood zone determination at 386-506-5607.

Property owners can visit and search under "Departments" then "Flood Zone Determination" in order to fill out a contact form to request this service offered by The Cit of Port Orange free of charge.

Ormond Beach residents can visit the City of Ormond Beach website for flood plain information.

Residents can obtain flood management info for Ponce Inlet FL by visiting their website as well.

Posted by Mike Gagliardi on
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